Tuesday, July 10, 2007


dunno how to start my blog.... long time din do story telling.....

There were no sound, no wind, nor anyone to be seen.... juz a temple, an old temple with buddhist statues..... it was a dark night.... the moon shone on part of the steps.... feeling of fear suddenly burst in my heart like a bullet coming out from inside out..... my brain is empty.... my hands and legs are cold.... there's nothing can i do to escape from this nightmare..... i took a deep breath and tried to calm myself...... alright,, for awhile the deep breath might help but it definately cant calm any part of me.... in my brain, "its definately me afraid of being alone"
faraway i saw a small sparks light flapping,, heading towards me.... at second sight, i thought it was a bird but i was wrong... it was a troupe of fireflies.... one of them were carrying a small bag.... a young firefly... he left the bag on my pointer finger..... then,, flew away.... he looked shy and seemed like he wanted to say something to me.... the elderly fireflies pulled out tiny trumpets,,, and blew the troupe away.....

*to be continued*

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