Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sleepless Night

The night before, i was drunk thx to the medicine which mum gav me.... made me talk things dat i cant even remember saying out.... actually now is 7.13am in the morning,,, ya i m still awake... dunno its becoz i slept too much the other night or its juz the cold weather.... i m VERY AWAKE..... NOT SLEEPY AT ALL!!!! hmmmmmm :(
i kept sneezing till i ate one of a remedy(sweets) which is quite spicy and bitter... ermm like wasabi..... felt better alredi....
i recall i read an article from friendster "forward post" bout what guys think bout their girlfriends...??? its quite interesting but i think its not true.... for example,, one of the line said was "we know that its normal to receive a call from anyone but is it necessary to talk in the middle of the night especially is a guy?? shouldnt they call in the morning??......." something lik dat...
first of all if girls or even us,guys receive a call,, we should talk to them,,, and its rude not to do so.... secondly,,, there's only two genders for humans..... third and most important,,,, call in the morning??? what!!!! the writer thinks that everyone is free in the morning...
stp de writer... i think i can be a better writer..... wahahaha......
so now,, i dunno wut to write anymore,,, and i m very boring..... hmmmm..... fast fast 10 am la.....den i can see my bao bei zhu lao poh.....

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