Wednesday, August 8, 2007


the morning air was too fresh that woke me up early..... time was around 7.... looked out through my square window with bars which is typical for most of 30-40 years old houses.... saw the birds flew and heard them sang.... everything was in slow motion....
crawled downstair as i was quite sleepy.... dragged myself to the bathroom and get myself ready for the exam which was going to start later at sharp 11.... so, i sat on and done my revision.... read all those definitions that were expected to come out and they did... then, i caught my eye at the cloak, it was already 10.... i walked out and stood at the alley at the side of of my house...the heat rose... bits of drop of sweat came out from my body to keep my body cool... meanwhile, i had this chance to read my notes once more... my neighbour was out collecting her clothes and she saw me as i noticed by the sound of a small cracking old iron door...
in a moment later, yan yan had arived to pick me up... coincidently, my mom was juz back from her morning walk at the market just few metres away.... she saw me, and asked, "why on earth are you standing under the hot sun?"
her voice was so irritating that i cant stand to listen, which in fact, i've been hearing it for the pass 19 years... i neglected her question and went straight into the car....
in the exam, i was quite careless.... i dropped my stationaries for twice.... a really kind lady sat infront of my seat, picked them up for me.... was very appreciated.... my concentration was in straight line.... although i knew i'd made some mistakes, i never regret my hard paid off...
after we'd attended practical, we went to kopitiam.... was raining... it was already raining when we walked to the way to the park... heart was beaten as yan yan was shivering cold....

this was the first time i'd ate yan's dad bah kut teh,, i am so hang fuk,, wahahaha,,, erm... and also the first time i'd walked alamanda, ate at waffle stop....

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