Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Malaysian Studies

wahaha... i started to enjoy the class.... i love the assignments..... got to write about OIC.... this really brings me back to age 15 when i did all the pmr assignment.... back then,, i was doing kerja kursus and was instructed to "write" in BM on A4 paper.... papers without line.... great..... in addition to that,,, i have to translate all the info from english to bm..... i admit,, i never forget those bitter days..... wasted almost a bin of papers juz becoz of a small mistake.... imagine when juz a slight mistake when writting or spacing or alignment,,, the whole kerja kursus is a rubbish.....not only that,,, i have to search for almost the whole chapter of organizations which involve malaysia international relation.... theres commenwealth la,, ASEAN la,,, OIC,,, much much more..... how come nowadays kids are so lucky,,, everything also type type type,, copy paste,, kau tim alredi...... hate it..... lack of honesty,,, ppl do lik hell,,, and they juz steal other ppl works..... hmmmm.....
i dont quite care bout it now,,, coz i onli wan my group work be perfect.... so,, i decided to do it by myself.... or juz to help them out,,, since they are so "lack of time"..... dont wan them to ruin my work neither....
busy day,,, but quite happy.... do something i enjoy..... its really a complete day compare to sitting infront of tv doing nothing.....
theres gonna be a presentation,,, so exited,,,, hehe,,,,, my time to show off my presenting skill.... wahahaha..... lc-nya saya.... *cough cough* paiseh,,, i wasnt lik tis.... but i am.... hahahaha......
aiyoyo.... late liao.... bibi ask me to sleep early.... up up and away.... *pheeeeeewwww*

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