Tuesday, July 10, 2007


The small bag on my finger turned into golden-dust and blew to the ground.... slowly as dust moved as wind twisted, it showed a sign, a weird symbol... doesnt look like an egyptian nor christian symbol.... i tried to figured out but failed.... i bent down and tried to touch it,, big wind blew away the sign,,, the only hope for me to figure out what happen also shattered.... my eye're big but my pupil are small......i felt my way out of this horrible place has been gone.... my expression quickly showed but also quickly passed.... although i had no idea what is happening and where am i,, i'd still find my way... looked for every posible way out.... touched every bricks, hoping there might be a secret passage..... none had been found.....
i felt lik the time had been freezed,,,, what the hell is happening???!!!! this must not be real,, this must be a dream.... tried to closed and opened my eyes...tried to slap, pinch, bite and hit.... nothing changed,, still there.... what is the solution for this??? where is the way back???
then, turned my head and caught my eye on one of the statue... the same symbol was there... thats it... this might be the way.... walked slowly... as i walked sounds of stone crushing beneath my foot way..... quickly climbed up to the steps and reached my hands to the statue.... but theres still nothing happen..... tried so hard to push the statue,, but failed to move it.... i sat down infront of the statue..... trying to figure out what is the break through....
suddenly, the ground opened a hole,, i fell down.... there were dust and spider-webs...i coughed... this place was like a tunnel.... looked around for awhile and one of the statues felt infront of me....the sound of shaky stones moving arose,,, juz like theres going to be an earthquake..... in that situation, no one would stand still, do nothing... i ran... i ran through the tunnel..... my breath and heart beat faster den ever before..... as i expected,, the tunnel was falling apart.... i turned my head back,, smoke was bulging behind me.... i shout and in fear,,, i ran quickly as i can.... then, my legs hit a big rock and sliped down... my thoughts turned white and felt like falling into an groundless hole.... suddenly i heard my alarm,,, my eyes opened,,, realised everything was juz a dream..... everything was juz a dream...

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