Sunday, April 29, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


today, i think i'd done great in the test... i draw many small details of the structures... like in sclera.. i not draw the indication of the position but also describe the three layers of it....its becoz i m confused wit the question whether to draw the position or the layer structures... i wasted almost bout thirty minutes in drawing both of it.... i dunno whether can get full mark anot....
i really satisfy wit the test today... coz almost every question i know the answer... but still there's very little time plus the time i wasted in drawing make me really rush in the end....
time flies, i m still not realised that its alredi the end of the semester... i m gonna miss my ana and refraction teachers.... they both helped me alot in the studies.... especially mr yip,, he really inspired me at many times... thou i always sleep in his class but still he wakes me up into his nightmare boring class..... i really glad i got the chance to learn something from him.... i cannot remember much but i copied them alredi,,so,, i can always look back....
its funny when some ppl plan things at the beginning and finally ended up last minute rush, things getting more blended den time wasted....haihz,, its like dat ge la... i m not good planner myself... haha... sometimes its juz bout fun not to plan... 'the fun of not planning anything'
speaking of planning... i dont quite believe in fate or destiny... i may believe bout past and present.... everything, every dream is in our own hand... in order to achieve, we have to believe what will be will be.....

Sunday, April 22, 2007



Friday, April 20, 2007


Today,, i m one of the patient for section 3(frame adjustment)... the most important thing in it is that the examiner is going to emphasize on whether the frame fits firmly on the patient or not... if the frame is too loose and out of alignment,, then the marks will be low...... I saw most of the candidates did very badly... the examiners said that candidates always make silly mistake like dont use the players for adjustment,,, forgot to do balancing(especially the sides and nose pad)....
in the most hard part is the repairing nylon string.... the nylon MUST NOT BE LOOSE.... and the lens shouldnt be damage when repair... otherwise,,, examiner will juz giv zero for that part....
i met wit a few skillful candidates... they done very well.... few minutes can finish the job and fits the frame comfortably on my face.... not like those who juz heat up the sides then put on me(dont they know its really hot).... anyway,, they r juz weak in the section,, cannot judge them in real form......hahaha

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


as wat i post in multiply,, i went to genting and bukit tinggi at the same time.... i m tired and moody... this week is my study week.... my two test, anatomy and ophthalmic are going to be on next week....tomolo i m going to be a patient for the practical test... i m going to waste so many time and energy... dats why i m studying till late late lorh.... now, i look like panda jor... haihz..... my ex-tuition teacher ask me to yum cha... and i m lacked of time,,, but anyway,,, its been 2 to 3 years since i last saw him... so,, i think i shud go....
well,,, dat time when i took my optics test paper,,, i was surprised,,, i got 60% .... and i tot i fail.... haha... so lucky....
i must work hard.... must finish ana by sun and study ophthalmic on mon , tues and wed(till12.30pm coz test at 2pm).... gambateh to myself and my dear....

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mimi (1998-12thApril2007)

she's not only my pet but the best'est friend i had... everytime i had sad or happy moments,, she will sat beside me... i remember the first time i met her was in my school(ssm).. dat time i was standard4... she was chased by a group of naughty primary students... quickly i shouted and grabbed her body... her gentle and soft yellowhite fur made me wanted to keep her... i brought her home... along the way in the bus,, she crawled through my hands and licked my face... at that time,, she was juz the size of my palm....
once i came back home,,, my parents saw her... they asked whether am i going to keep her.... i said yes... the immediate impression on their faces were not really happy.... i knew keeping a dog in the house need time, energy and money.... at that time,, my family wasnt in good condition... thou they seemed like disagree to my suggestion but i insist in keeping her.... i promised them i will take care of her by my own.....
for weeks,, i fed her warm milk... she was very active... kept running around.... i even need to put wires along the gates,, so that she wont run away....
then years came by,,, she became more and more fierce to strangers... she bite anyone except me, bro and mom... no one like her,, but me,, i really enjoy touching her fur.... i even sang some of my own songs(no one ever hear before).... when i was unhappy,,, she always cheered me up by licking my leg or jumped up and down....she was my fire...i motivated myself and got many inspirations from her....
i cant believe she passed infront of me this moment... i cant accept this is the truth... i dunno whether i can live without her... before she passed,, i touched her her and said,,dont die... dont die... but..
i really cant write this anymore....sry

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


In the middle of optics test, i blank out... i knew every answers but i cant think... when i go back home,, i can answer all... why in the test i am blank...?? am i studying too hard??shud i relax more??
i dunno why... i only know i m going to fail tis time... my clean sheet record is going to the end... haihz haihz... i cant even imagine my true feeling now.... i studied so hard and cant do anything in the test....
the next day,, i decided to play as much as i can... after my vo,, i went to cc... den came back home,, continue playing online game... play play play.... i even invited tek yao and yi chuan over.... we had much fun... i made some of my special cocktails and tomyam maggee... HEHE..
the next day,,, everything normal... nothing special bout the mamak stall.... i had my breakfast in mamak... dats so boring...

Saturday, April 7, 2007


fri,, went to yi chuan and tek yao place... i was thinking of hanging on there and study optics together... its a good thing but dont work out.... completely dont understand,, cant get into mind what dr lau explained to us.....trying my best to suck everything in the book...i got nothing....
i nvr give up... have to try harder... coz its not me to give up.... thou i realli wan to,, but cant cross myself....
so bout that night,, i went to cc and played maple until 4 in the morning.... its been awhile i can play online till so late....i felt i m still 15...
haha,, my friend will laugh if they hear this....
today i learn something from the movie Jerry Maguire... love doesnt mean telling the truth bout everything.... juz need to be happy.... its bout the connection.....between both sides.... not only the words,,, the look into the eye....

Thursday, April 5, 2007


you might not know what is the title about.... "de" is the head of the problem.... its the right doing but when it comes to "ce" i knew its wrong..... dats why i come up wit "sioooon"....
today,, woke in the middle of the sound of alarm,, remembered a meeting with two of my friends.... i stepped down to the bathroom and rushed my way to fetch him..we went throu the wrong way but manage to reach midvalley on time... when we were there,,, we waited for a few moments for her.... we wonderred around and she suddenly appear infront of us... we bought our tickets for mr bean,, and perfume...dats right,,, we watched two movies on the same day....not unussual but nothing special... i had my breakfast and they had their lunch at mcD...
the drinks were coke and the burgers are big... too much fries for us... we ended up serious food jam in our stomach.....
i told myself,, i shudnt drink coke so early, not atleast i was up less than 4 hours.... then,, hav a fun time watching mr bean for the second time... same joke but its still funny.... i like the part when he danced.... its so mr loba loba... ya,, he captured all the moves.. beh tahan him....
when the movie ended,,, we walked around,, trying to find something to do... we had icecream... soon,, its time to move on to next round...
the show perfume started with the most disgusting way of giving birth... main character was given the perfect talent to smell the scent from all objects... altho, the movie was quite interesting but i find it boring....
we went home separately,, me and yi chuan by car and mae foong by KTM...


The long lasting night seems to be longer and longer and longer... Listening to sound of the gentle breeze blowing through the window....Thinking of something...But what is that??? Thinking something which doesnt exist in our mind...I juz felt nothing is more important than being happy and seeing others happy....
Why being so stabborn on a particular what you call "secret" in the heart...?? If not mentioned,, how it's known?? If we tell secret,, it wont be a secret.... Everyone juz need some privacy.... not meant to hide but meant to protect....
Conservation of energy in our cells calls for us to rest.... An endless means a restless night.... Energy will be drained.. Hence, we will feel tired.... not a good, i m going to bed....

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


See within darkness within darkness,
Hear through space through space,
Feel beyond imagine beyond imagine,
Smell de' odor of odor..
It is the light from the blues that keeps the fire glowing....

What i do, i dont..
what i dont, i know..
what i know, i hold..
but atlast i held and let go....

Do i not sure but sure i dont,
not having back the smile,
it makes me feel drown,
when the scent that once there and now gone....

never will it be back,
as long as the wind is still blowing,
and moonlight dancing....

but none shall break,
coz it's always on our mind,
the memory,moment,cherished,feeling,
nvr ended, nvr gone, nvr stopped, nvr break,
only changes from the cover that are seen...


there's so many plastics/fakers.... sometimes,,, u know when u can trust tis person,,, den another person tell u another kind of story den u start to mistake trust... dunno which is real la....but some are very obvious.... like when u r needed,, they will come smile at u... but when u r not needed,, u become an outcast....
at some point,, u meet wit those obstacle and some of them help out....some of them juz say,, i got things to do,,and so so..and u realli think they would help out but they dont....kinda disapointed....
what i hate is those ppl who ignore me... we can have fun together,, why cant we share problems...? thou we cant do anything,, we still can giv support ma....not dat i mean i realli hate them but dont agree on how they settle problem by ignoring friends....
in the end,, wan to add something bout boredom... if we open our heart we will not feel bored.... dat can be shone in the chinese character "闷" open the door and the heart wont get stucked.....

Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Break Even Havent Start

Hey guess what,, its april fool,, and guess wut i get.. a break before start...I dont mind of all those confusion.... but why when i put a 100% feeling to someone,,, that someone dont giv a damn trust to me.... isit wrong to tell wut i think to the person i liked.... if i always tell the things she wan to hear,, i dont think it will work till end..
but since i lied to her once,,, its alredi my fault.... i apologized... now... i juz wan to be alone... single is who i m... now i think i prefer to stick to it.... -_-...