Friday, June 1, 2007


today,, i start my work again at the same place, same company for the last 5 friends always ask me when did i start working?? i started my 1st holiday work when i was standard 5 in my uncle's office...den standard 6 and form 1,, i work in the stock department(also my uncle company).... form 2 was promoted to work in shop(ALSO my uncle company)... dat is where i m working now.... dats wut i said,, worked 5 years in the same place....
erm,, i learned many stuff throughout these years,,, but forgot everything after holiday ended.... so everytime my holiday work start again, my aunt always ask someone to refresh my memory... hehe...
bout today,, i was given a few tasks alredi.... 1st day of work, no gaji but aunt belanja makan.....^^ and second thing is,, my former supervisor came back to work wit us,,, yahuuu,,, like him,,, he is my ham sap teacher... he tought me so many ham sap and funny things..... sometimes i felt he too funny,, laugh until i cry.....
after work, drive back home, bath, eat supper, den read ben zhu's blog from the begining.... thou i skipped the chinese part but i also think i get to know bout ben zhu past more.... hehe
k la... very tired~ going to sun rise if still havent sleep....

*ps*miss ben zhu alot....

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