Saturday, April 7, 2007


fri,, went to yi chuan and tek yao place... i was thinking of hanging on there and study optics together... its a good thing but dont work out.... completely dont understand,, cant get into mind what dr lau explained to us.....trying my best to suck everything in the book...i got nothing....
i nvr give up... have to try harder... coz its not me to give up.... thou i realli wan to,, but cant cross myself....
so bout that night,, i went to cc and played maple until 4 in the morning.... its been awhile i can play online till so late....i felt i m still 15...
haha,, my friend will laugh if they hear this....
today i learn something from the movie Jerry Maguire... love doesnt mean telling the truth bout everything.... juz need to be happy.... its bout the connection.....between both sides.... not only the words,,, the look into the eye....

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