Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mimi (1998-12thApril2007)

she's not only my pet but the best'est friend i had... everytime i had sad or happy moments,, she will sat beside me... i remember the first time i met her was in my school(ssm).. dat time i was standard4... she was chased by a group of naughty primary students... quickly i shouted and grabbed her body... her gentle and soft yellowhite fur made me wanted to keep her... i brought her home... along the way in the bus,, she crawled through my hands and licked my face... at that time,, she was juz the size of my palm....
once i came back home,,, my parents saw her... they asked whether am i going to keep her.... i said yes... the immediate impression on their faces were not really happy.... i knew keeping a dog in the house need time, energy and money.... at that time,, my family wasnt in good condition... thou they seemed like disagree to my suggestion but i insist in keeping her.... i promised them i will take care of her by my own.....
for weeks,, i fed her warm milk... she was very active... kept running around.... i even need to put wires along the gates,, so that she wont run away....
then years came by,,, she became more and more fierce to strangers... she bite anyone except me, bro and mom... no one like her,, but me,, i really enjoy touching her fur.... i even sang some of my own songs(no one ever hear before).... when i was unhappy,,, she always cheered me up by licking my leg or jumped up and down....she was my fire...i motivated myself and got many inspirations from her....
i cant believe she passed infront of me this moment... i cant accept this is the truth... i dunno whether i can live without her... before she passed,, i touched her her and said,,dont die... dont die... but..
i really cant write this anymore....sry

1 comment:

-yAn- said...

Oh... it's so sorry to hear the bad news here...I can truly felt the love of you towards your pet...erm... dun be too sad la...
I think she's unhappy too if u're sad......

cheer up ya;)