Tuesday, April 24, 2007


today, i think i'd done great in the test... i draw many small details of the structures... like in sclera.. i not draw the indication of the position but also describe the three layers of it....its becoz i m confused wit the question whether to draw the position or the layer structures... i wasted almost bout thirty minutes in drawing both of it.... i dunno whether can get full mark anot....
i really satisfy wit the test today... coz almost every question i know the answer... but still there's very little time plus the time i wasted in drawing make me really rush in the end....
time flies, i m still not realised that its alredi the end of the semester... i m gonna miss my ana and refraction teachers.... they both helped me alot in the studies.... especially mr yip,, he really inspired me at many times... thou i always sleep in his class but still he wakes me up into his nightmare boring class..... i really glad i got the chance to learn something from him.... i cannot remember much but i copied them alredi,,so,, i can always look back....
its funny when some ppl plan things at the beginning and finally ended up last minute rush, things getting more blended den time wasted....haihz,, its like dat ge la... i m not good planner myself... haha... sometimes its juz bout fun not to plan... 'the fun of not planning anything'
speaking of planning... i dont quite believe in fate or destiny... i may believe bout past and present.... everything, every dream is in our own hand... in order to achieve, we have to believe what will be will be.....

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