Thursday, April 5, 2007


The long lasting night seems to be longer and longer and longer... Listening to sound of the gentle breeze blowing through the window....Thinking of something...But what is that??? Thinking something which doesnt exist in our mind...I juz felt nothing is more important than being happy and seeing others happy....
Why being so stabborn on a particular what you call "secret" in the heart...?? If not mentioned,, how it's known?? If we tell secret,, it wont be a secret.... Everyone juz need some privacy.... not meant to hide but meant to protect....
Conservation of energy in our cells calls for us to rest.... An endless means a restless night.... Energy will be drained.. Hence, we will feel tired.... not a good, i m going to bed....

1 comment:

Jeslyn said...

Keep secret alone very tough. Must tell to ur trustable one. Me~ Me~ hahaha... Joking... Going to Mid valley now. Just messing =P~ See ya there =D Haha...