Tuesday, April 3, 2007


there's so many plastics/fakers.... sometimes,,, u know when u can trust tis person,,, den another person tell u another kind of story den u start to mistake trust... dunno which is real la....but some are very obvious.... like when u r needed,, they will come smile at u... but when u r not needed,, u become an outcast....
at some point,, u meet wit those obstacle and some of them help out....some of them juz say,, i got things to do,,and so so..and u realli think they would help out but they dont....kinda disapointed....
what i hate is those ppl who ignore me... we can have fun together,, why cant we share problems...? thou we cant do anything,, we still can giv support ma....not dat i mean i realli hate them but dont agree on how they settle problem by ignoring friends....
in the end,, wan to add something bout boredom... if we open our heart we will not feel bored.... dat can be shone in the chinese character "闷" open the door and the heart wont get stucked.....


Jeslyn said...

Haha.. Yes, most of my friends are like that. I was shocked because it's only a simple thingy but they'll just say "yes, sure~" but eneded doing nothing. Even the one who're very close to me. That is why I've been keeping my stuff for my own. Do whatever I can on my own. It's not an easy job, but I seems to used to it. But anyhow, sometimes I'll meet some friends who can talked with. But I don't expect them to help me into my problems. Haha. It's nice to express feelings to them. Some of them will just make you happy by talking others stuff and you'll feel much better. Wakaka.. It just happened to me yesterday. Hahaha.. Ok.. I'm crapping.. Just want to tell you, this world ain't the world u've been thinking. Trust me.. True friends are hard to find. If you've found one, treasure it~ =)

Dave Richards said...

I have been lucky that way. Have found great friends who have supported me through the worst phases of my life. Nonetheless. Don't lose heart.I am sure you will have friends who would be your soul mates.Dave Richards